Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th Of July!

Today we celebrate our Independence. We fire up the grill, grab a beer, get a sunburn and blow things up in the back yard.

If only we really were independent.

Instead we are paying $4+ per gallon of gas and over $145 per barrel for oil. If you see one, thank a Middle Eastern Sheik.

Our friends at have a solution, and they think we should use today to declare our Energy Independence. You can help by signing their petition at:

If you watch the news, and have developed the opinion that ethanol is bad because it drives up the cost of grain, or that it takes more energy to produce it than it yields, then you should spend about 10 minutes reading Dark Palmer’s rebuttal, “The Case for Ethanol”.

It will turn your mind around.

“Oh say can you see? By the dawns early light…”

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